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Archive for January 2014

3/52 | Wilkes County Child & Family Photographer

22 January 2014

Week Three!
We FINALLY managed to get over to the studio and take Raidyn's Christmas portraits :) yes, I've been a bad photog mommy!
We received this stocking in our goodie bag from the hospital when he was born and decided after we used it during his newborn session that we would make it a tradition to photograph him with this huge handmade stocking every year until he was a big boy- like 18- he may hate me by the end of it :)

the close ups are always my favorites :) 

We also managed to make it to the park this week- we didn't get to stay long since our weather here in NC doesn't have a clue what season we are in! But nonetheless, he had a blast pretending to be Mario & Luigi shooting sharks and giant squids from the boat! btw, his name is no longer Raidyn- he tells everyone his name is Mario-Luigi.

& he wasn't happy to leave :(  

Douglas is turning ONE | Wilkes County Child & Family Photographer

Playing a little catch up on blog posts and just had to share a few photos from this adorable little guy's birthday session!! Isn't he an absolute cutie!!



Does your little one have a birthday coming up?
Contact us today for booking details! 

Project 52- Week 2| Wilkes County Child Photographer

13 January 2014

It was pretty impossible for me to choose only one photo for this past week! Below are a few of my favorites from January 6th-12th!

Daddy came home with a pack of candy necklaces so Raidyn was able to enjoy candy old school style :) and he was loving it, just look at that smile :)  Daddy also finished up the back room (which initially was suppose to be my new home office) but now it is serving the purpose of awesome playroom for this little man and as you can see from photo two he is enjoying the extra space!! Yes, that is our Christmas tree in the background in the third photo- don't judge! We finally have it down now!!

We were both beyond excited to be back at gymnastics after a two week holiday break- so excited in fact that Raidyn decided he would do the beam all by himself- no help at all :)
Proud mommy moment :)

After a little shopping spree Thursday after gymnastics where Raidyn decided he NEEDED to be a ninja turtle and HAD to have both a turtle shell and a Leonardo sword we went to visit Pawpaw as they transferred him to the rehabilitation center after surgery! 

I must admit I am loving this Project 52 thing so far- I typically take a photo of Raidyn every day anyway but this forces me to actually do something with them :) YAY!

Project 52- Week 1 | Wilkes County Family Photographer

07 January 2014

Even before I decided to pursue photography I had a deep value and love for a photograph- when my beautiful son was born I made it a goal to take a photograph of him each day. He is now three and without those photos I am certain I wouldn't remember him being nearly bald, I wouldn't remember when his first curls grew in- I am still amazed when I look back through those photos because my mind sees him the way he is now- with a head full of crazy hair and enough energy to power a metropolitan city! I believe I have only missed taking a photo of him about twenty times in his lifetime. This year, I have made it one of my goals to share more personal photographs to allow my clients to get to know me better. One way I plan to do this is by participating in my first Project 52! I will be sharing a photo of my sweet Raidyn each week! Likely, these photos will be less than perfect..however, I will look at them through my mommy goggles and see the love that makes my world turn!

Week 1 of Project 52

These photographs were taken on January 4th just lounging about in our living room late at night (as usual- our house is full of night owls) and YES! we do have a basketball goal attached to the wall in our living room- that's perfectly normal right?!?

Love+Wander Feature | North Carolina Wedding Photographer

06 January 2014

So excited to have Jessica and Jesse's adorable holiday session featured over at Love+Wander today!
Head on over and take a peak and don't forget to leave some love!
